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I played Straight!? and is my favorite VN game so far, this game and Theo are becoming my favorite, you really are doing an amazing job with this, between art and story,  would love an kinda close end or an eventual story about the future when this ends (hopefully not soon)

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This is really great. The art is fantastic, and the main draw for me initially - it's easily some of the best I've seen. I wasn't sure if I was going to like the fantasy elements, but they're very well done, and everything I disliked about Straight!? is thankfully not repeated here. Wish there was a bit more dirty stuff, but don't we all...

thank you for playing and enjoying New Hope! I try my best with the visuals, I’m going for a more cinematic vibe than the typical VN format. 

I’m curious to know what it is you disliked about Str8 that isn’t repeated. It’d be great community feedback for both projects to have that insight :) 

Since this is now my full time job, a majority of the NSFW content is either Patreon Exclusive, or can be found on my profile here for a small additional price. The New Hope Christmas special offers multiple NSFW scenes. 

Eternity and MGU: Gayme Night are also both very NSFW :) 

Thanks for your support!


I don't like to bash a game a lot of work went into and a lot of people love, but the main problem for me with Str8 was the dialogue. It felt like almost every conversation was the same and, I know being a slow-burn is one of the draws, but, really, nothing happened for long stretches. Eventually I was just clicking through before I finally gave up.

New Hope has kept the introspection (and even navel gazing) and relaxed storytelling, but has stronger characterization and better audience engagement. I'm in it for the long haul - you got me, I'm gonna go sign up on your Patreon.

Keep up the great work!

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In regards to Str8, it started out as a point-grinding game/VN and the early chapters really, really reflect that (there is a walk-through text file in the VN's main folder that helps with that).  There is a revamp underway to correct that.

No VN is without fault but some of Str8's comes from a shift in focus from the dev(s).

this is awesome... waiting for the next update... beautiful story..  :-)

Thanks for playing! Working on the next update as we speak, and it's gonna be a big one! ;)

I am looking forward to the next update. the story is certainly unfolding in ways i genuinely was not expecting, which was a nice surprise. genuinely love it. Keep up the good work. #teamtheo

I always aim to surprise ;D Thank you for playing and loving my little story! #TeamTheo! 

Fantastic gameso far - thank you so much! An intriguing story, well designed characters and a lot of erotic, sexy, and flirtatious material between the boys. I'm currently really into visual novels and yours is an extraordinarily carfully elaborated one. I absolutely loved Straight!? and I so far love New Hope. I always appreciate if there is an option to at least try a game out for free before spending money. If I like the game, I'm always happy to pay and in your case, given the fact that what you do is always made with love and skill, I will certainly check out your other projects.

Keep going and keep enjoying what you do - I and many others love your work!

This game is really good, I hope you continue with the project, I'm eagerly waiting for the new update 💕💕

Hi, I've been supporting Straight and love that story. I started reading yours and I've gotta say, fantastic work. Love the story and so engaging! Thank you for this. I will check out you Patreon page. You guys keep creating these awesome story's ❤️


I can't wait the next update...when do you release it, I just can't wait to know😅

wow this was really enjoyable, I was so immersed in the story the whole time, all the characters also look finee as hell but at the end of the day im a sucker for bad guys #TeamTheo

ok did you or someone who worked on this make st8!? as well because i love the art so far and i loved there art it looks so similar 

hey :) yep - I worked as a co-writer on Straight!? 

the cliff hanger omg why would you do this that is just so mean im in shock 

side note tho I can already tell this is going to be good I wasn't for the whole power thing at first but it grew on me and the music is just amazing 

(1 edit)

Help, please


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 13413, in script


  File "game/script.rpy", line 13414, in <module>

    "Ethan" if choice_EthanSecret == False:

NameError: name 'choice_EthanSecret' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 13413, in script


  File "D:\New folder (2)\NewHope-0.5.1-pc\renpy\", line 1903, in execute

    choice =, self.set, args, kwargs, item_arguments)

  File "D:\New folder (2)\NewHope-0.5.1-pc\renpy\", line 976, in menu

    condition = renpy.python.py_eval(condition)

  File "D:\New folder (2)\NewHope-0.5.1-pc\renpy\", line 1092, in py_eval

    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)

  File "D:\New folder (2)\NewHope-0.5.1-pc\renpy\", line 1085, in py_eval_bytecode

    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/script.rpy", line 13414, in <module>

    "Ethan" if choice_EthanSecret == False:

NameError: name 'choice_EthanSecret' is not defined

Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64


NewHope 0.5.1

Wed Jul 26 19:38:58 2023


(1 edit)

That cliffhanger feels so illegal..

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JER IS SO FINE my god. I need to get him out of my mind. And holy shit spidey was not who i thought it was at all.

Also im not done with the build at the time of sending this but--

is "the hunt" a Witcher reference? including the "door"?


The Wild Hunt does make an appearance in The Witcher, but I'm not referencing it in New Hope. I'm taking inspiration from the original tale and taking it from there! :) 

Who did you think Spidey was? ;) 

"Who did you think Spidey was? ;)"

I know you didn't ask me but I'll answer anyway.

Given that Justin's friends knew about the notebook, I didn't see any of them leaving it there if they had found it. Especially if they had read it.

That left only Eyal, Theo or someone we hadn't met.

(And I had hoped for the third option, that Spidey actually had nothing to do with the Hunt and he would be another dimension of the situation that Justin would have to deal with.)


I thought Spidey was Theo cause he was the only one in the library at the time Justin went looking for his notebook.  I also connected all the dots and the majority of them connect to Theo, especially when you go down his path in the story.


I really like this. A nice blend of real and fantasy. LOL'd at Bent!? and think it's cool you are giving your fellow dev's project some love. Should do that with Hollow too.

I do have a spoilery question to ask:

Spoiler below




Are we seeing the same series of events with just different hookups for Hope or are they really three separate series of events?

What I mean is, for example, is that each path has Hope aware of different eye colors.  (Red* and Blue; Red, Gold and Blue; Red, Purple and Blue).

Will all those eye colors eventually be in play or are they unique to the path they are found on?

I guess what am really wanting to know is how much of what we learn about a character on one path applies to the character on another?

*(Or orange, I suppose)


Hey hey! Thanks for playing, and that’s a great question!

No matter which route you take, each character is still dealing with their own shit. For example, on Ethan’s route we learn his secret - but on the other 2 routes we don’t. That doesn’t mean on those routes that his secret doesn’t still exist, it’s just that it hasn’t had the opportunity to come out due to events playing differently :) 

The only thing that changes, is the series of events. The characters are all still very much the same across all the routes. 

Thank you very much for this game so far! Really really strong storytelling and high addictivity. I played all three storylines right after each other and can barely wait for the next update :-)


Ok just finished the update (Theo route) and I was wrong on who Spidey is lol.  Love the story and can't wait for the next part.  Make haste my good man  :)

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Just finished playing for the first time, and  god, this is Wild 😜

Thank you so much for accommodating old-european folk story, it is in many countries' folklores. I originate from East Europe, and I found cultural reference thrilling (we all read Karatkevich in school✌️)

Love the pun! ;) 

Being from Britain myself, I've always found European folklore both highly interesting and also super scary at times! So I love bringing in those themes as inspiration. 

"Across the heather, across the fatal quagmire rides the Wild Hunt, it will ride as long as the world lasts. It is our land, a land we do not love, a terrible land. May God forgive us."

Thanks for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed my little story so far! 

just finished playing the update (theo route) HOLY SHIT THIS IS AMAZING!!!! i need to play the other two routes. im so excited 


Glad you enjoyed Theo's route! He's definitely a  lot of people's favourite character! Hope you enjoy the other two routes :D <3

Oh my god... I just finished the update. (Ethan Route)


Do not even think about stopping this. I am addicted now!


thank you for playing! Glad you enjoyed the new content for Ethan’s route!!

hopefully you enjoy what Theo and Eyal have to offer 🥰


Oh my god thank you for adding a Download Source that is not Mediafire. Finally I can download this beautiful game in just minutes and not hours :)

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game is huge but I'm loving it can't wait for next update I really want to know what happens next.

This game is insanely good. The soundtrack in this game is insanely good. If I ruled the world song actually made me cry.

I just finished the current version and I'm really excited to find out how the story goes on! :-)) I like the different routes and how they all reveal different things about the characters and bring new information.


Was wondering when an update was happening next. it's been over 5 months now since 0.4 came out.  I understand that it takes time to write your code and get everything perfect but even though I have a notion of who it is I really want to know who Spidey is. I need to know if I am right lol.   Great story though.

at the moment it looks like v0.5 may be out in another month per the twitter and patreon feeds but we'll have to wait and see :). I hear you there I'm anxious to see what happens but it's a big update.

I have never been more torn in making a decision as I am with the baseball field Theo and Ethan choice......... I need a drink haha

Do all three. Create save points to have multiple storylines going at the same time. Trust me, it's worth it. You'll be able to learn everything about all the characters.

Where can i find "Ethan's locker room adventures" on Patreon? The link in dev log leads to Christmas special...


Will there be an android version?

Do you use Webp images? That help reduces the game heavy :p

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Personally I find it amazing and teasing at the right point. The plot is wonderful and the characters funny and with an amazing personality each of them. Congratulations to you BlaykeStr8!!!

I just arrived at the part where they are in the wood for Jeremy and Idk if there are new update after that.


I don't usually write comments but this game made me do it. This game has so much potential. The writing is excellent, the plot is good af. I wasn't expecting those twists and it's only the beginning! I love the characters. They all seem very believable and lovely. The music is good as well. I can't wait for more

So far (v0.4) the game is awesome! The story is great - the Justin's secret and that what fallows it (I don't want to spoil anything here :) ) and all other parts of it. Ethan, Theo and Eyal are hot and Justin is cute. The "cliffhanger" is really exciting and makes my to look forward to see what will happen next :)

(4 edits) (+2)

This visual novel is one of the VNs that are closest to reality (*wink wink). The characters are very believable and are very engaging. The Story branches are not hard to discover and are very exciting and interesting aswell as you uncover their stories. I'm super looking forward for the development of this VN, please don't rush the story and take your time @BlaykeStr8, you are doing so good! Cheers to your success, and Happy New Year!

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I love the beggining, can't wait to see how it will evolve. if I don't say nonsense, is it inspired by ghost riders?


This game is awesome!  The characters are very believable, and the slowly-unfolding story really draws you in.  The different routes are interesting and gives you the change to discover things about each character.  Can't wait for the next update to see what you have planned.


Will there be an android version any time soon😖

its out now with the new update :)


im not fully through but can we ever hang with jeremy

Jeremy isn't a romanceable option, sorry! 

Absolutely amazing game, I would like to know who sings the songs in the game?

Hey - I'd like to say that I sing them all... but admittedly I can't sing a note in tune! All my music comes from :)

Sorry for my english, i'm brazilian and i'm using google translator haha, what is the name of these songs? They are amazing and so is their voice, is there any way you can get your songs on youtube or something?

Good story but i wonder if ethan and justin will actually have a romance :D
I'd like to see it.

Who knows!?

Oh... My... God... I LOVE IT. Again very good work. It's an amazing game and i really like the storys and the path it's going down right now. I can't wait for the next update.

Thank you so much! <3 Glad you're enjoying the game!

CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT UPDATE!!! , i really love this game even it's just have 2 chapter but the story line , model and everythings in this game it's PERFECT.

Thank you! I'm really excited that the story is now kicking into gear :) Everything has been mostly set up so far, so it's gonna be fun to get into the really juicy content!

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